劳务派遣人员招聘启事(Dr. Daniel Henry Scharf课题组)

来源 : 0914188     发布时间 :2018-12-17    浏览次数 :20417

本单位因科研工作需要,公开招聘科研助理2人,派遣至必赢766net手机版必赢766net手机版基础医学系外籍教师Daniel Henry Scharf 课题组,从事科研辅助相关工作。招聘将坚持公开、公平、竞争、择优的原则,凡符合应聘条件且有意向者通过电子邮件将个人简历(包括学习和工作经历)以及其他证明本人能力、水平的相关材料发送到: dscharf1@arcor.de邮箱(请在邮件名标注应聘Application for research assistant + name + Daniel),材料必须为全英文或中英文。经面试考核后择优录取,待遇面议。

联系人:Dr. Daniel Henry Scharf










Dr. Daniel Henry Scharf课题组




Project background ? Aspergillus fumigatus is one of the most ubiquitous of the airborne saprophytic fungi. Humans and animals constantly inhale numerous conidia of this fungus. The conidia are normally eliminated in the immunocompetent host by innate immune mechanisms, and aspergilloma and allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis, uncommon clinical syndromes, are the only infections observed in such hosts. Thus, A. fumigatus was considered for years to be a weak pathogen. With increases in the number of immunosuppressed patients, however, there has been a dramatic increase in severe and usually fatal invasive aspergillosis, now the most common mold infection worldwide. The focus of our lab, include (a) genomic and molecular characterization of the organism, (b) clinical and laboratory methods available for the diagnosis of aspergillosis in immunocompetent and immunocompromised hosts, (c) identification of host and fungal factors that play a role in the establishment of the fungus in vivo, and (d) identification of novel antifungal targets.

Candidate’s profile ? We expect a degree in Life Sciences (e.g. Biology, Biochemistry, or Microbiology). Furthermore, the applicant should be able to perform team-oriented as well as independent work. Maintenance of laboratory inventory & ordering of research supplies. Perform cloning and media preparation. Acquisition of new equipment, coordinating service of equipment. Introduction of incoming laboratory members (new postdocs, undergraduate researchers, staff, etc.) in lab safety training, lab organization, basic techniques/orientation.

Acting as laboratory safety officer. Handling disposal of hazardous and/or regulated waste, including necessary documentation and compliance. Supporting the laboratory research efforts through the management of reagents, buffers, protein purification, and others - as appropriate.

Supporting inter-laboratory collaborations, including material and information transfer and documentation.